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If Someone Need Learning, SWOT Analysis, Come, Open and Click Hare.

"SWOT Analysis Template"

IPPP MKP UNCEN Hay, Guys today. i can to 
help you to carry out about how to analysis, and if you know, HOw s SWOT?, if  you need, keep your eye please, stand look at hare, and i wanna give you a little change, Ohh before, 'i'm sorry guys'',  I'm not the best anda perfect, but the posts below will give in you, one benefit, that's my all of my wishes, Please follow below i believe will changes:

1. What advantages does your organization have?
2. What do you do better than anyone else?
3. What unique or lowest-cost resources can you draw upon that others can't?
4. What do people in your market see as your strengths?
5. What factors mean that you "get the sale"?
6. What is your organization's Unique Selling Proposition   (USP)?

Consider your strengths from both an internal perspective, and from the point of view of your customers and people in your market.

Also, if you're having any difficulty identifying strengths, try writing down a list of your organization's characteristics. Some of these will hopefully be strengths!

When looking at your strengths, think about them in relation to your competitors. For example, if all of your competitors provide high quality products, then a high quality production process is not a strength in your organization's market, it's a necessity.

1. What could you improve?
2. What should you avoid?
3. What are people in your market likely to see as weaknesses?
4. What factors lose you sales?
5. Again, consider this from an internal and external perspective: Do other people seem to
    perceive weaknesses that you don't see? Are your competitors doing any better than you?

It's best to be realistic now, and face any unpleasant truths as soon as possible.

1. What good opportunities can you spot?
2. What interesting trends are you aware of?
3. Useful opportunities can come from such things as:

Changes in technology and markets on both a broad and narrow scale.
Changes in government policy related to your field.
Changes in social patterns, population profiles, lifestyle changes, and so on.
Local events.

Tip.A  useful approach when looking at opportunities is to look at your strengths and ask yourself whether these open up any opportunities. Alternatively, look at your weaknesses and ask yourself whether you could open up opportunities by eliminating them.

What obstacles do you face?
What are your competitors doing?
Are quality standards or specifications for your job, products or services changing?
Is changing technology threatening your position?
Do you have bad debt or cash-flow problems?
Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your business?

Tip:when looking at opportunities and threats, PEST Analysis   can help to ensure that you don't overlook external factors, such as new government regulations, or technological changes in your industry.

Using SWOT Analysis in Project Management and Marketing
If you're using SWOT as a serious tool (rather than as a casual "warm up" for strategy formulation), make sure you're rigorous in the way you apply it:

Only accept precise, verifiable statements ("Cost advantage of $10/ton in sourcing raw material x", rather than "Good value for money").

Ruthlessly prune long lists of factors, and prioritize   them, so that you spend your time thinking about the most significant factors.

Make sure that options generated are carried through to later stages in the strategy formation process.

Apply it at the right level – for example, you might need to apply the tool at a product or product-line level, rather than at the much vaguer whole company level.

But why we have to do to SOAR?

(S = strength, O = opportunity, A = aspiration, R = result).

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