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Syistem Education in Papua Today, By Indonesia Government

Photo Illust Document. kdp #Tw. 
MANADO. IPPP MKP UNCEN orgopining. -SYSTEM EDUCATION IN PAPUA TODAY. Under Papua’s 2001 Special Autonomy Law, the majority of Papua’s natural resource wealth is returned to the province. The law was meant to address both the sources of political unrest in Papua, and the challenges ordinary Papuans experience on a daily basis. For example, it was meant to increase Papuan access to government jobs and economic opportunities, as well as to health and education services. A dozen years and billions of dollars later, most Papuans still live in misery: they have the highest malnutrition, tuberculosis and HIV rates in Indonesia; they are the poorest; and they have the lowest rate of life expectancy.

Special autonomy has failed. But the greatest failure has little to do with the aspects of special autonomy that were implemented by Jakarta. Rather, it is the parts of special autonomy that were handed over to provincial and district officials: health and education services.

The autonomy cash cow

Many local officials and elites no longer see special autonomy as a means of development. For them, it is a way to access greater national subsidies, which they can take for themselves or spread through their patronage networks. For the elite, affirmative action is no longer a means to redress the under-representation of Papuans in official positions; instead, it is another way of milking the system. ‘No-show’ jobs have now. Papua now has more than double the number of civil servants that it actually requires. This is an obvious benefit for those who get the jobs, but it has little value for those still locked out.

The failings of special autonomy are enhanced by the uncontrolled creation of new districts, sub-districts and villages under the process known as ‘pemekaran’ (proliferation).. In theory, pemekaran intends to make smaller government entities more accountable. In reality, it simply allows local elites to access funds while pushing ordinary Papuans further away from the services that could improve their lives. Special autonomy has created a dividing line between Papuan elites who benefit directly from it, and the majority of Papuans, who receive a pittance.

In previous articles (Living without a state; The middle of nowhere; Land of ghosts), I have explored particular regions in Papua’s highlands and lowlands. I have tried to bring to light the struggles and concerns of the people who live there – struggles which are divorced from the political discourses that many outsiders mistakenly believe are paramount in the lives of most Papuans. Now I aim to explain how Papuan governments are dealing with their people’s most pressing concerns in the era of special autonomy. In this article, I will discuss how and why the educational system has collapsed in the highlands. I will look at similar failings in healthcare in a later article.

The death of a system

In Papua’s highlands, the interplay of misused special autonomy funding; pemekaran; flawed human resource management; and local understandings of the nature of education, have combined to break the educational system. Almost nobody acknowledges these problems. Instead, a pantomime occurs where many government officials blame the poor education system,  lack of infrastructure, or even highland children themselves. Because of this misunderstanding of the problem, the solutions offered are flawed.

A grimmer and more realistic picture of Papua’s failing educational system in remote areas can be found in every area, a open new district in the highlands in anywhere. District Department of Education figures indicate that only 18 per cent of children complete primary school there. Worse still, completing primary school is no guarantor of literacy. The majority of highlands high school graduates are barely literate. look and understand... haiii papua government..

For the example..

All for those who are come in from the papua (mountain people)  take a look this picture, this is a state asset building located in Paniai, Agadide Dist. school face, senior hight school one agadide from Paniai Government and Papua
"one of the building face, Junior  hight school in located Agadide Dist.  Paniai Government Papua"
The government of Papua and even the central government need to see that,  because this building is not market And building for animals, i have to talk that, Paniai Local government and Papua as center gonernment  you should be see and fix soon, you know this is a  aset future building for you and me as who are nation people Papua.
And  b'couse the education is one owner developing, keepping pleade! it temporarily where are lost in the middle of this government

If Papua people will love future and grandchildren papua,  love Education, we are same papuan, dont look you are from the mount and the beach, we have to look hearly, we are is one and we are live in oneroom so we do not  differences but lets us going to look how ebout  the edication becouse,  papua people will disappear because we papuans do not know more about education, today, as a of all students papua, speak to the all of  gavernment that, on behalf of officials papua in general do not you on this bindan education do not play like game Soccer, focusing more on your exit alone

Sisteim kinship that makes papua no development of current hinggah, the future will be where if the system play in government like this, please understand and understand well in this case, Thanks

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